Deep-Dive Workshop
"From Crisis to the New Normal:
Leading the Transition"
June 3, 2020
1:00-4:00 pm Central
Live on Zoom
Ideal for co-op leaders, managers, and supervisors at all levels!
Never in the history of America's electric cooperatives has there been so much uncertainty. And, never have there been more opportunities to do great things for your co-op by becoming an exceptional change agent.
J.Lee Whittington, Ph.D., (bio below) will equip you and your co-op to be successful at making the necessary changes required by the COVID-19 crisis and other industry disruptors. This live, three-hour workshop is specially designed to help you navigate the challenges ahead in the coming weeks and months.
The COVID-19 crisis forced co-ops to re-think how they have always done things, and it provides an opportunity to abandon past practices that are no longer beneficial. Making new processes permanent and abandoning obsolete past practices create risks and challenges for co-ops and their leaders.
This workshop will prepare you for the unique leadership challenges that you and your co-op will face as we walk into the uncharted land of the new normal. It will help you to:
• Make the case for change at your co-op
• Overcome employee resistance to change
• Understand and leverage tactics associated with successful co-op transformation
• Engage your co-op’s entire workforce in the change process
• Create the strategic alignment that is necessary to make the changes stick
For only $499, your co-op will have UNLIMITED SEATS in the workshop. Please have only one person from your cooperative register. You will then be emailed payment instructions. Once payment is received, we will send you the Zoom login information to share with anyone on your team who wants to join the workshop!
We look forward to seeing you there!
Your Workshop Leader - J.Lee Whittington, Ph.D.
J.Lee has decades of industry and consulting experience, including over twenty years working in manufacturing and distribution, where he held executive positions in marketing, logistics, and general management. His consulting and leadership development experience includes engagements with electric cooperatives and statewides, high tech companies, major logistics organizations, national retailers, heavy manufacturers, and a variety of not-for-profits and government organizations. J. Lee is Professor of Management at the University of Dallas and is formerly dean of UD’s Satish & Yasmin Gupta College of Business. He focuses his teaching, research, and consulting in the areas of leadership, organizational behavior, and spiritual leadership. His research has been published in numerous top journals, including The Leadership Quarterly, Journal of Management, Academy of Management Review, Journal of Organizational Behavior, Journal of Applied Social Psychology, and others. He is co-author of the book Leading the Sustainable Organization. His book, Biblical Perspectives on Leadership and Organizations, was published by Palgrave-Macmillan in 2015, and his latest book, Enhancing Employee Engagement: An Evidence-Based Approach was also published by Palgrave-Macmillan in 2017. He has received multiple awards for excellence in teaching and research. He has been recognized as a Distinguished Scholar in Organizational Behavior by the Southwestern Academy of Management. In 2011, he was selected by students and alumni to receive the Haggerty Teaching Excellence Award at the University of Dallas. He attended Austin College where he graduated with a B.A. in economics and political science. He received his M.B.A. and Ph.D. in management from The University of Texas at Arlington.